On average, nearly half of India (48.8 per cent) consumes either milk or curd (or both) on a daily basis. But what if these animals who are producing milk stop or lose its ability to produce milk?
Like cows.

In Nanakmatta there are hundreds of cows which are abandoned by their owners. There are two reasons behind the abandonement of these cows. The first one is that - they lose their ability to produce milk so their owners left them on roads. And the second one is that our current government banned the slaughtering of cows because people who buy or eat cow meat refused it because of this threat. And these cows which can be used in production of meat slowly decreased and their owner left them on roads and jungles.

But they came out of the jungles and started destroying farmers agriculture, because they also need some food to depend on. In a town like Nanakmatta, the easiest source of food for them is wheat and paddy.

When the farmers tried to drive them away from their fields, they attacked them and due to this many people were injured. And there is not any fault with these animals because they don't have any other choices like- they don't have a sheltered place to live so they sleep under the roofs of stores to avoid rain. And they also don't have anything to eat so they have to eat the grains of the fields.

Now the farmers have barricaded the fields so that these cows don't get in their fields. Due to this they rely on an unhealthy diet. Because of their unhealthy diet of waste, plastic and rotten food they also get some infection and disease. And this disease makes them distorted. They are in so much pain from this infection that they die on the roads.
Written by Vinita Chand
Vinita wrote this article as a participant of the Media-Makers Fellowship's July'24 cohort.
This article was adjudged the 'Best Photo-Essay' created in Week 3 of the program.